I’m Andy Bruère, curious and self-taught developer, passionate about our little globe, its charming and tiny things and inhabitants, its music, cinema and imaginary worlds, its puzzling complexity.

As a long-time solar power enthusiast, I'm currently founding Ohm Network to build reliable and decentralized power grids based on electric motorcycles and solar energy, where people are facing power cuts or can’t access electricity at all.

Motorcycles are the most common means of transportation in West Africa and many countries elsewhere in Africa and Asia. Ohm Network is turning these motorcycles into moving energy storage to offer reliable energy for half the price of failing national grids, while helping to make these grids more resilient.

Previously, my curiosity led me to create my own P2P rental marketplace startup Sharinplace during college education in management and data science, in 2015.

Sharinplace failed. With my friends and cofounders, I started out with the idea of making equipment sharing easier to promote more sensible consumption practices. In charge of our success, I made a well-known mistake: build it, they will come. Long story short: we built something we were proud of, I honed my programming and business skills, but lost focus. Sharinplace has turned into an open-source platform named Stelace.

Over time, I have also grown a strong interest for life, agricultural sciences and nutrition.

Don’t hesitate to get in touch.
